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Why are some cats obsessed with going outside? Cats are naturally attracted to outside places, and sometimes, they can't help their evolutionary urge to go outside to protect their territory, look...
Why is your cat obsessed with one room? For a cat to favor a particular room or area of your home, behaviorally, it's usually a place where they find the most secure in their environment. There may...
Is your cat not eating and hiding? First, if it is a newly adopted kitten or cat, make sure they have easy access to resources. Give the cat 24 hours to adapt to their situation and make sure to...
People love kittens. They're playful, small, and, most importantly, adorable. Almost everyone wants a kitten. However, the question is: are kittens a lot of work? Simply speaking, kittens are a lot...
One of the most frequently asked questions and also one of the most misunderstood ones. The quick answer to if cats like belly rubs come down to a couple of things: cats that are socialized to enjoy...
Cats are fastidiously clean animals which is why they continually groom themselves. However, whilst cats will expect this of themselves, they won’t necessarily expect it from their owner. Or will...